Yolo Farm to Fork


Salvador Ramirez


Youth Programs


Agriculture Education

Yolo Farm to fork has been established in Yolo Country for over 10 years, with a focus on garden education through edible school gardens, and farm field trips. Our goals are to educate the public, especially youth, about the value of the environment and the importance of healthy eating.

Salvador Ramirez, Executive Director of YF2F

Teach and Empower

YF2F helps support edible school gardens throughout Yolo County. Embedded with after school programs, summer camps, and field trips, students are able to experience hands-on gardening, composting lessons, and farm to fork cooking to gain valuable experience and appreciation for food systems and our environment.

Growing the Future

YF2F helps support edible school gardens through maintaining gardens, providing science based lessons, and monetary support for new garden builds. Recently, we have been able to provide incredible farm field trips with our partners at La Tourangelle Foundation.


Our Home in Woodland

Working in Woodland and being surrounded by beautiful farmland and local farmers who support our mission and want to work with us to educate children is a true example of community. We are able to connect with our mission on a deeper level because of that.